Saturday, May 10, 2014

PY - Brazil on 60m band by Labre


according to information shared on the official web site the national radio club in Brazil - Labre is started their work with local authorities on the arrangement of the group of amateurs to use the band for an experimental purposes. The situation with 60m band is not clear on SA continent so let´s keep fingers crossed to friends from PY land. It can be good starting point for more South American countries on 60m.

Labre news can be found here:

73 - Petr, OK1RP

Thursday, May 8, 2014

The SARL 5MHz activity weekend 17.-18.5.2014


5 MHZ ACTIVITY WEEKEND - SARL members are invited to take part in a 5MHz activity weekend 17.-18.5.2014 dedicated to propagation research. 

The activity is focused from 13:00 - 20:00 on each day and comprises various activities during designated time slots. The activity is open to all SARL members and to all radio amateurs living permanently outside the borders of South Africa. The activity is devised into two segments, a serious segment for the first 30 minutes of the hour which comprises of listening to and logging the beacon signals on 5250 kHz  using WSPR, PSK31 and CW and during the second half hour a fun component making as many contacts as possible on 5260 kHz. 

Participants who send in logs take part in lucky draws for a free membership of the SARL for 2014/2015 and attractive book prizes. Even a photograph of you operating can win you a boo, as long as the picture sent in is high resolution. 

Full details  of the activity weekend and the tutorial on how to get started on WSPR are available here or here:

Good luck,

73 - Petr, OK1RP

SM - Sweden QSX on 60m by Thomas, SM3NRY


yesterday I worked Thomas, SM3NRY on 60m band. I listened him on 5390kHz while my TX was on standard ch5/5405kHz. I really enjoyed very nice buz with Thomas. 

I realized that Sweden ops are not so happy with their channels allocation as they are not allowed to operate on standard set of channels like UK or US etc. 

Sweden 60m band allocation is as follows:

5310 kHz
5320 kHz
5380 kHz
5390 kHz

All modes are allowed. 
Power allowed to use is 100W. 
Bandwidth per channel is 4kHz. 

It means that our friends from Sweden are really restricted on the band and its not easy to work all others. The QSX is the only way as same as for Spanish ops on that band. So I would like to kindly ask all of 60m friends to remember our friends with different band allocation and listenned/operate often with QSX to their windows please. 

If You are not remember which frequencies to be used for these friends like EA, SM then check this blog, hi. 

Good luck on the band,

73 - Petr, OK1RP

Monday, May 5, 2014

The 5 MHz Newsletter Spring 2014 - 10th Edition by Paul, G4MWO

Hi all,

the 5 MHz Newsletter Spring 2014 - 10th Edition by Paul, G4MWO is available for download here:

Enjoy it,

73 - Petr, OK1RP

Friday, May 2, 2014

Z3 - Macedonia on 60m CW by Oz, Z35T


after 1-May-2014 few stations from Macedonia is active on 60m band as expected. 
Oz, Z35T is very good CW operator and he is luckily active these nights on 5405kHz. 
If You are looking for Z3 on CW then catch him over there. His sigs are quite good in DX destinations as same as in EU so its nice new one for all of us on 60m band. 

Good luck,

73 - Petr, OK1RP