Welcome to Tropical band

To most people the phrase "tropical bands" bring a pretty clear picture to mind - a bunch of shirtless guys playing calypso music. But to experienced shortwave DXers those two little words express the most challenging and enjoyable part of the radio hobby. The phrase kindles memories of a DXer's best catches and favorite QSLs, of exotic stations, music and of early morning listening sessions. (Don Moore)
I like the "Tropical band" name for new 60m allocation. (OK1RP)

Effective from 1st Jan 2017 please paper QSL via OM-bureau only.

Monday, February 24, 2025

The 60m newsletter 2-22-25 by Joe, W8GEX

Joe Pater W8GEX
February 22, 2025

If you or you know of a group going on a DX-pedition, please let me know at w8gex@aol.com so I can add it to this newsletter.

Don’t forget to have a look at our website 60metersonline.com. Check out the leaderboard to see who’s on top. Also look at our station pictures so you can identify a picture with a call. If you would like to post your picture and station, send it to Mike our webmaster at

Costa Rica:
TI1RRC now active on 60m. Feb. 19 to 25.

New Zealand:

ZL4OL and ZL2CC have been on around 0700z. Watch your 60m packet cluster for all the activity.

is on 60m from time to time so keep an eye out for that one.

Some of the rare DX has been FO5QB, 7Q6M and T77NC, A51AE

The DX Mentor Podcast

By Bill Salyers

The DX Mentor podcast is directed towards any amateur radio operator (Ham) or Short Wave Listener (SWL) who has an interest in listening to or communicating with stations that are not in your country, or DX. There have already been many episodes with more in the future, and I think you'll find them quite interesting.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/347995275954755/
60m website: www.60metersonline.com

Thursday, April 11, 2024

60m newsletter 4-10-24 by Joe, W8GEX

April 10, 2024
Joe Pater W8GEX

Jarvis N5J
: Will be on in August.

TY5C Benin: is now active on 60m until the 14th.

CB0ZW Juan Fernandez: Thanks to Hal W8HC and team for the new one on 60m.

FK/LZ1GC New Caledonia: Thanks for being there, guys!

Bolivia CP7DX: will be active from May 11, to 19.

6W7/ON4AVT: Has been active on the band.

Lesotho 7P8EI: now active.

Liberia A8OK: on now.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/347995275954755/
60m website: www.60metersonline.com

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

A8OK - Liberia by CDXP team


Arrival : April 05th,

Departure : April 19th 2024

Time schedule: building/limited on air activities April 06-08th, full operation planned from April 09th till 16th , dismantling/limited on air activities April 18,19th 2024.

Call sign: A8OK

Operators: Petr OK1BOA, Petr OK1FCJ, Palo OK1CRM, Pavel OK1GK , Ruda OK2ZA, Ludek OK2ZC, Karel OK2ZI, David OK6DJ

Operation modes: SSB, CW, RTTY , FT8, FT4, PSK

Bands: 160-6m, 60m including! + QO-100 + RS-44 + IO-117

Based on the local internet availability, we plan to use Club Log Live Stream wherever it will be possible. Our Live Stream link https://clublog.org/livestream/a8ok


Radios: 1x Elecraft K3, 2x Kenwood TS480HX , 1x SunSDR2DX, 1x SunSDR PRO, 4x Icom 705 , 1x Yeasu FTdx10

PA: JUMA PA1000 6x, Expert 1x

Antennas: 6m 5el. YAGI, 10m 4el. Yagi, 10-15-20 incl WARC 3 x Spiderbeam, 17/15/12m 2el. YAGI, 2x 30m phased verticals, 2x 40m phased verticals, 80m vertical + 10 pcs radials, 160m vertical +10pcs radials RX: 3x Beverage + RX vertical.

Focus on low-bands

73 - Petr, OK1RP

Friday, March 1, 2024

Who is who on Tropical band - updated 1Mar24

Who is who on Tropical band - CW ONLY - updated 1-Mar-24 

RankCallsign60 ▼DXCCSlotsRange
1OZ8ABE17317317333 yrs
2EA7BJ+414914914936 yrs
3F4BKV 14614614627 yrs
4ON4AXU13413413441 yrs
5EA6SX+113213213242 yrs
6PA3FQA+113213213234 yrs
7DK2GZ13113113143 yrs
8S58N12812812825 yrs
9OK7GU+512612612651 yrs
10ON7GB12612612632 yrs
60 ▼
11EA5C+1112612612639 yrs
12DJ9KG12012012060 yrs
13N0FW11711711728 yrs
14SP9RPW11611611638 yrs
15SM3NRY11611611640 yrs
16S57L 11511511531 yrs
17PE5T+111311311351 yrs
18LZ1JZ11211211237 yrs
19DL7VEE11111111132 yrs
20F8DBF11011011024 yrs
60 ▼
21SQ1X+210310310328 yrs
22G3SED10110110160 yrs
23OK1RP 10110110130 yrs
24OH3SR+110010010060 yrs
25EA6NB99999943 yrs
26HB9AMO99999956 yrs
27LA7AFA 99999938 yrs
28W4DR98989874 yrs
29DL5LYM97979737 yrs
30F6GCP+397979736 yrs
60 ▼
31SP9WZJ96969632 yrs
32PA2KW+295959543 yrs
33CT1EEB95959536 yrs
34SP2GJV93939350 yrs
35PA7F93939343 yrs
36OK1MP 92929266 yrs
37EA5WU+592929239 yrs
38DL3GD92929224 yrs
39OZ1AXG+2 91919150 yrs
40OZ4O+3 90909046 yrs
60 ▼
41SM3NXS89898942 yrs
42DK3WW89898945 yrs
43SM3EVR89898949 yrs
44OZ2PBS+2 88888823 yrs
45LA7DFA87878738 yrs
46EA4KD85858539 yrs
47SM7DLK85858560 yrs
48SP5CJQ85858546 yrs
49EA3A+184848445 yrs
50DK1WI84848432 yrs
60 ▼
51IK3HHX84848438 yrs
52LZ2DF83838353 yrs
53DF8AA83838354 yrs
54EA1N+1 81818135 yrs
55OK1CF81818152 yrs
56EA6VQ80808040 yrs
57G4BUE 80808051 yrs
58OK1DTM80808042 yrs
59F6DCQ7979797 yrs
60DL3KUD78787831 yrs
60 ▼
61PA2S78787836 yrs
62E77EA7777778 yrs
63DL3XM77777753 yrs
64S52DD77777742 yrs
65DL5XJ+177777727 yrs
66KG4W+177777747 yrs
67KD5M 77777757 yrs
68N4RJ76767668 yrs
69DL4MCF76767642 yrs
70SM3GSK 76767650 yrs
60 ▼
71DL6KVA+375757537 yrs
72IK5PWJ 75757534 yrs
73EC3A+874747442 yrs
74DL5CL73737341 yrs
75SP1MGM+773737343 yrs
76EA2A+272727222 yrs
77ON6CC+472727231 yrs
78DL4CW72727220 yrs
79DK7DU+472727217 yrs
809A4T+271717112 yrs
60 ▼
81F6FHO71717147 yrs
82PA3AKE71717111 yrs
83G4PVM71717141 yrs
84DK8NX70707050 yrs
85LX1DA70707042 yrs
86DL5WG69696929 yrs
87DL8SCG68686839 yrs
88DK1FW68686858 yrs
89DL4CF+168686843 yrs
90DL5WS68686838 yrs
60 ▼
91OG2M+367676744 yrs
92SP1GZF66666651 yrs
93EA1PO66666629 yrs
94SN1F66666651 yrs
95F6DAY66666650 yrs
96SP9FMP66666615 yrs
97DL1EJA66666638 yrs
98PA0WRS65656549 yrs
99G4DJX65656550 yrs
100EC7K+264646422 yrs
60 ▼
101DK2PH64646432 yrs
102DL1AMQ+464646458 yrs
1039A5CW+263636330 yrs
104LA9BM+163636343 yrs
105LA0FA 63636337 yrs
106SP5EWY63636353 yrs
107DL9NEI63636331 yrs
108G0ORC+162626235 yrs
109IK7JTF62626237 yrs
110HA3MG61616114 yrs
60 ▼
111EY8MM+261616140 yrs
1124Z4DX+760606055 yrs
113E72U+360606017 yrs
114SM0FPR+760606050 yrs
115S01WS+359595937 yrs
116IK1GPG59595939 yrs
117LY5W58585829 yrs
118LX1ER+258585827 yrs
119LA8HGA58585836 yrs
120IK1PMR58585834 yrs
60 ▼
121EA1YO+657575741 yrs
122LA2HFA+1 57575739 yrs
123HB9BIN+157575748 yrs
124DK3DUA56565627 yrs
125IK4DRY+156565640 yrs
126OZ2A+3 56565641 yrs
127KB8VAO56565628 yrs
128HB9CVQ56565640 yrs
129IV3HAX56565632 yrs
130DL5NDH55555535 yrs
60 ▼
131EW8W5555559 yrs
132DJ8QP55555556 yrs
133CU3AK55555539 yrs
134EC6AAE55555522 yrs
135CU2DX55555534 yrs
136DL1NEO55555530 yrs
137LA9PJA+455555529 yrs
138PA3BUD+155555542 yrs
139OZ6CM5555559 yrs
140EA2AFV54545448 yrs
60 ▼
141DK6FX54545423 yrs
142LA8BCA53535343 yrs
143DL8UD 53535333 yrs
144DL8AKI53535341 yrs
145ON4VT+4 53535334 yrs
146LA7KJ 5252527 yrs
147G4EZT52525248 yrs
148PA3EWP52525241 yrs
149DL6UAA 52525231 yrs
150LY3W+1152525241 yrs
60 ▼
151F4DSK+152525219 yrs
1529K2HS51515126 yrs
153S55DX51515132 yrs
154DL8MKG51515132 yrs
155LZ2BE+251515144 yrs
156SP9FOW51515130 yrs
157DJ2RG51515152 yrs
158SP7IIT51515150 yrs
159G3WGV+1 51515136 yrs
160DK2LO51515135 yrs
60 ▼
161I4IKW50505045 yrs
162DJ6ZM50505050 yrs
All rights reserved to Clublog.