For all of those hams who are using the DX CLuster spots to reach rare countries or watching the activities on the specific bands will be useful to know that since 19-Sep-2011 the 60M Cluster spots are also available.
The 60m Cluster spots are available at
It is easy to log in and watch activity or even put the spots there but please avoid the spot like "no sigs on band" or "dead tonite" etc.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
No latest vogue styled shop window just pile of information & news for 60m band DX-ing enthusiasts...
Welcome to Tropical band
To most people the phrase "tropical bands" bring a pretty clear picture to mind - a bunch of shirtless guys playing calypso music. But to experienced shortwave DXers those two little words express the most challenging and enjoyable part of the radio hobby. The phrase kindles memories of a DXer's best catches and favorite QSLs, of exotic stations, music and of early morning listening sessions. (Don Moore)
I like the "Tropical band" name for new 60m allocation. (OK1RP)
Effective from 1st Jan 2017 please paper QSL via OM-bureau only.
Friday, September 30, 2011
60m - Tropical band in SV
Limited 5 MHz permission in Greece achieved...
The Greek Ministry of Communication has given permission to the headquarters club, SZ1SV of the Greek national amateur radio society RAAG. The permission is for use of the single frequency 5398.5 kHz only. Modes permitted are SSB, CW and Digital with a maximum power of 100W PEP.
Information supplied by Manos, SV1IW and Cliff, SV1JG. (thanks to Joe, W8GEX and Paul, G4MWO for info also)
73 - Petr, OK1RP
The Greek Ministry of Communication has given permission to the headquarters club, SZ1SV of the Greek national amateur radio society RAAG. The permission is for use of the single frequency 5398.5 kHz only. Modes permitted are SSB, CW and Digital with a maximum power of 100W PEP.
Information supplied by Manos, SV1IW and Cliff, SV1JG. (thanks to Joe, W8GEX and Paul, G4MWO for info also)
73 - Petr, OK1RP
5 MHz Newsletter now online by Paul, G4MWO
A new Newsletter has been launched to support the growing number of 5 MHz operating permissions globally - it's the 5MHz Newsletter
Edited by Paul Gaskell, G4MWO, one of the original RSGB 5 MHz team, it aims to be both an accurate information source of news about 5 Mhz and a platform for exchange of ideas, be they theoretical, operational, constructional or just general comments about the band.
You can freely access the 5 MHz Newsletter from Google Documents at
Although originating in the UK, the 5 MHz Newsletter invites world-wide interest, both in readers and contributors. Understandably all that we ask is when contributing items of news concerning new 5 MHz permissions or allocations, that the contributor can provide a means of official verification of such. It is hoped to produce the 5 MHz Newsletter on a quarterly basis, its size being dependent of course on news and other relevant contributions from 5 MHz operators and listeners around the world.
For those without Internet access wishing to have a paper copy of the 5 MHz Newsletter, a Self-Addressed Envelope (SAE) of sufficient size to take folded A4 sheets, together with adequate postage (or IRCs in the case of outside of the UK) will bring a copy of the latest edition. Requests should be addressed to G4MWO, who is QTHR in the UK Callbook and on
Paul G4MWO
Editor 5 MHz Newsletter
5 MHz Yahoo Group
Edited by Paul Gaskell, G4MWO, one of the original RSGB 5 MHz team, it aims to be both an accurate information source of news about 5 Mhz and a platform for exchange of ideas, be they theoretical, operational, constructional or just general comments about the band.
You can freely access the 5 MHz Newsletter from Google Documents at
Although originating in the UK, the 5 MHz Newsletter invites world-wide interest, both in readers and contributors. Understandably all that we ask is when contributing items of news concerning new 5 MHz permissions or allocations, that the contributor can provide a means of official verification of such. It is hoped to produce the 5 MHz Newsletter on a quarterly basis, its size being dependent of course on news and other relevant contributions from 5 MHz operators and listeners around the world.
For those without Internet access wishing to have a paper copy of the 5 MHz Newsletter, a Self-Addressed Envelope (SAE) of sufficient size to take folded A4 sheets, together with adequate postage (or IRCs in the case of outside of the UK) will bring a copy of the latest edition. Requests should be addressed to G4MWO, who is QTHR in the UK Callbook and on
Paul G4MWO
Editor 5 MHz Newsletter
5 MHz Yahoo Group
Friday, September 2, 2011
60m community Guest Book launched
C5A - Gambia DX-pedition by OM0C in Oct/Nov 2011

as You can find on the club web sites the members of the OM0C Contest Crew are pleased to announce another Contest DX-pedition to the Gambia. They will be active from October 21th till November 1st and November 19th till November 29th 2011 using renewed callsigns from previous DX-peditions, C50C and C5A. The special call C5A will be reserved for SSB and CW CQWW Contest.
The Gambia 2011 DXpedition will use various transceivers from ICOM. They will setup 6 full time stations that can be used simultaneously in order to take advantage of all bands openings. Most of the time they will use 3 or 4 station only. The whole setup of 6 station will be used during the CQWW SSB and CW contest only (in Multi/Multi category). NO WARC bands!!!
Transceivers & Power Amplifiers:
They will use various ICOM transceivers: 6 x ICOM IC-756PROIII and 1 x IC-7600. All stations will be equiped with OM-POWER!
160m - 27m high vetrical, 80m - 4square, 40m - 4square, 20m - 4square, 15m - 2 x 4square, 10m - Stack Yagi 5 over 5
Receiving antennas:
1. Receiving 4square by DXEngineering/OK1RI on 160m
2. Receiving 4square by DXEngineering/OK1RI on 80m
QSL info:
If you want a QSL card from any of our expeditions, please send it to our QSL manager Brani OM2FY. Branislav Daras, P.O.Box 6, SK-820 08 Bratislava 28, Slovak Republic.
QSLs are accepted either direct or via bureau ... direct way is faster. For Direct cards, please enclose a S.A.E. (Self Addressed Envelope) plus sufficient return postage:
Europe - 1 Euro, 1 IRC or 2 USD (price to EU is 1 Euro/1,3 USD)
Outside of Europe - 1,20 Euro, 1 IRC or 2 USD (price outside of EU is 1,20 Euro/ 1,56 USD)
Direct without a S.A.E. or without sufficient return postage - confirmations via the bureau.
Because running a DXpedition is a very expensive business, they are inviting us to donate them. If you are company, you can be a official sponsor.
I tried to contact Riso, OK8WW to gently ask him for possibility arrange some time frame for 60m band operation. As we can expect all depends to the time during/after the DX-pedition... Of course they are focused mainly to build Super Multi-Multi station for CQ WW Contest. They are bringing more then 1 ton of hardware material to Gambia so it will not be easy to manage. Riso promised to me that they will try it if "they will have rest of the power". Good luck to guys and hope to work them on the air.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
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