good news is coming from UK...(tnx to Dave EI0DB)
"Hi, thought you might like to know. The UK regulator OfCom announced that with immediate effect 60 meters is opened up to all full licenses (along with 475 Kcs). Dropping the requirements for a special permit (NOV). So the push is on now to make this a "normal" ITU Ham band at WAC15."
Mni congrats to all friends in UK and hope to meet with lot of them on 60m soon.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
No latest vogue styled shop window just pile of information & news for 60m band DX-ing enthusiasts...
Welcome to Tropical band
To most people the phrase "tropical bands" bring a pretty clear picture to mind - a bunch of shirtless guys playing calypso music. But to experienced shortwave DXers those two little words express the most challenging and enjoyable part of the radio hobby. The phrase kindles memories of a DXer's best catches and favorite QSLs, of exotic stations, music and of early morning listening sessions. (Don Moore)
I like the "Tropical band" name for new 60m allocation. (OK1RP)
Effective from 1st Jan 2017 please paper QSL via OM-bureau only.
Friday, December 12, 2014
Thursday, November 20, 2014
5W - Samoa on 60m by Hans, DF2UU
thanks to Joe, W8GEX and Atsu, 5W1SA I can share the flash news regarding the activity of Hans, DF2UU from 5W on 60m band this weekend...
"5W0UU (DF2UU) Hans will active on 60m this coming Saturday and Sunday on 5405.0 CW.
Possibly SSB by request but depends on the propagation. His antenna is Inverted L that vertical part is share with 40/80/160m so 60m is available on these 2 days only. He was not expected QRV 60m but I showed him on his license, you are permitted!
I have advised him, try SR at North America instead of earlier time that people are sleeping.
73 Atsu 5W1SA"
I hope he will consider getting on at Europe’s sunrise as well. I am sure that Atsu will keep me posted on any changes.
Many thanks again to both friends as same as to Hans, DF2UU for his effort.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Monday, October 13, 2014
Dominica, J7 on 60m band news by Paul, G4MWO
this news just arrived from Paul, G4MWO:
Hi All,
this news just arrived from Paul, G4MWO:
Hi All,
The Dominica National Telecommunications Regulator has permitted Amateur operation on five 3 kHz-wide channels on 5 Mhz. These are - 5330.5, 5346.5, 5355.5, 5371.5 and 5403.5 kHz at 50W pep SSB.
This allocation is applicable to General and Advanced licensees only.
This allocation is applicable to General and Advanced licensees only.
Please note that the Dominica (J7) 5 MHz allocation should not be confused with the Dominican Republic (HI), which also has a 5 MHz allocation.
(Tnx: ECTEL, Dominica NTRC)
Cheers, 73,
Paul Gaskell, G4MWO
Editor The 5 MHz Newsletter
Thank You to Paul, G4MWO for his always up to date news and great support. It will be nice to hear some of the lowbands enthusiasts guys from J7 on 60m band also. The condx will be good for sure in coming season so why not to work also Dominica over there.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Brazil will support 5275-5450 kHz at CITEL news by Flavio, PY2ZX
Hello all,
this good news arrived from Flavio, PY2ZX and it is already published in several bulletines and web servers...
Following news from Brazil and CITEL about 5 MHz. The article with photo is located at:
http://www.radioamadores.org/news/news-2014/news-2014-25.htm http://www.radioamadores.org/news/news-2014/news-2014-25.htm
Flavio PY2ZX
Brazil proposes 5275 kHz to 5450 kHz international
allocation for Amateur Service
The National Telecommunications Agency of Brazil (http://www.anatel.gov.br http://www.anatel.gov.br in Portuguese) will propose new Amateur Service allocation from 5275 to 5450 kHz in the next meeting of the PCC.II (Permanent Consultative Committee II: Radiocommunications) of CITEL https://www.citel.oas.org/en (Inter-American Telecommunication Commission), from September 29 to October 4, 2014 at Mérida City, Mexico.
The new allocation in secondary status for Amateur Service around 5300 kHz has been discussed since 2012 as agenda item 1.4 of the World Radiocommunication Conference 2015 (WRC-15 by International Telecommunications Union - ITU http://www.itu.int), while since 2002 the band is subject of various authorized experimental transmissions did by amateurs around the world.
The decision occurred last September 11, 2014 at the Brazilian Communications Commissions (CBC in Portuguese), a consultative committee for WRC-15 subjects lead by Anatel and formed by government, industry and representatives of the society.
LABRE http://www.labre.org.br, the Brazilian Amateur Radio Association, is one of the very active members of CBC through your ad-hoc working group devoted to Spectrum Defense and Management (GDE http://www.radioamadores.org in Portuguese). The LABRE suggestions were approved at CBC and will constitute a Preliminary Proposal for CITEL.
The 5275-5450 kHz contiguous secondary allocation is the widest segment recently suggested by compatibility and sharing studies at ITU, but the Preliminary Proposal will also consider national adaptations since it will include a footnote where is described that each national administration can provide additional constrains to provide further compatibility with existed services, considering their national and local spectrum realities, for example taking effective by their national regulations lower power outputs levels, selections of specific modes, adoptions of restricted frequency segments or channels, etc.
Despite Canada http://wp.rac.ca/radioamateur-of-canada-proposal-on-international-60m-allocation-accepted-by-industry-canada/ and Brazil being the first countries in Region 2 to officially support Amateur Service around 5300 MHz, several others already have authorized domestic allocations considering past successful experiments. LABRE is working with Anatel to provide experimental licensees and also join the international activities and keep studying the spectrum.
The LABRE/GDE presentation at Anatel/CBC is available at GDE´s library weblink http://www.radioamadores.org/biblio/apres/archangelo-cbc-anatel2014.pdf.
The GDE working group of LABRE not only involves spectrum management field, but also radio monitoring and national EMC rulemaking process. LABRE Sao Paulo and voluntaries are regularly supporters for keep the institutional activities. For more informations visit: http://www.radioamadores.org http://www.radioamadores.org
GDE/LABRE, September 13, 2014.
Updated at 22h57 UTC
Many thanks Flavio for Your co-operation and hope to hear PY's on 60m soon.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
this good news arrived from Flavio, PY2ZX and it is already published in several bulletines and web servers...
Following news from Brazil and CITEL about 5 MHz. The article with photo is located at:
http://www.radioamadores.org/news/news-2014/news-2014-25.htm http://www.radioamadores.org/news/news-2014/news-2014-25.htm
Flavio PY2ZX
Brazil proposes 5275 kHz to 5450 kHz international
allocation for Amateur Service
The National Telecommunications Agency of Brazil (http://www.anatel.gov.br http://www.anatel.gov.br in Portuguese) will propose new Amateur Service allocation from 5275 to 5450 kHz in the next meeting of the PCC.II (Permanent Consultative Committee II: Radiocommunications) of CITEL https://www.citel.oas.org/en (Inter-American Telecommunication Commission), from September 29 to October 4, 2014 at Mérida City, Mexico.
The new allocation in secondary status for Amateur Service around 5300 kHz has been discussed since 2012 as agenda item 1.4 of the World Radiocommunication Conference 2015 (WRC-15 by International Telecommunications Union - ITU http://www.itu.int), while since 2002 the band is subject of various authorized experimental transmissions did by amateurs around the world.
The decision occurred last September 11, 2014 at the Brazilian Communications Commissions (CBC in Portuguese), a consultative committee for WRC-15 subjects lead by Anatel and formed by government, industry and representatives of the society.
LABRE http://www.labre.org.br, the Brazilian Amateur Radio Association, is one of the very active members of CBC through your ad-hoc working group devoted to Spectrum Defense and Management (GDE http://www.radioamadores.org in Portuguese). The LABRE suggestions were approved at CBC and will constitute a Preliminary Proposal for CITEL.
The 5275-5450 kHz contiguous secondary allocation is the widest segment recently suggested by compatibility and sharing studies at ITU, but the Preliminary Proposal will also consider national adaptations since it will include a footnote where is described that each national administration can provide additional constrains to provide further compatibility with existed services, considering their national and local spectrum realities, for example taking effective by their national regulations lower power outputs levels, selections of specific modes, adoptions of restricted frequency segments or channels, etc.
Despite Canada http://wp.rac.ca/radioamateur-of-canada-proposal-on-international-60m-allocation-accepted-by-industry-canada/ and Brazil being the first countries in Region 2 to officially support Amateur Service around 5300 MHz, several others already have authorized domestic allocations considering past successful experiments. LABRE is working with Anatel to provide experimental licensees and also join the international activities and keep studying the spectrum.
The LABRE/GDE presentation at Anatel/CBC is available at GDE´s library weblink http://www.radioamadores.org/biblio/apres/archangelo-cbc-anatel2014.pdf.
The GDE working group of LABRE not only involves spectrum management field, but also radio monitoring and national EMC rulemaking process. LABRE Sao Paulo and voluntaries are regularly supporters for keep the institutional activities. For more informations visit: http://www.radioamadores.org http://www.radioamadores.org
GDE/LABRE, September 13, 2014.
Updated at 22h57 UTC
Many thanks Flavio for Your co-operation and hope to hear PY's on 60m soon.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Friday, October 3, 2014
SARL 5 MHz Beacon Frequency change by Paul, G4MWO
Hi all,
Information on the recent SARL 5 MHz Beacon Frequency change
At a recent meeting with their regulator, ICASA, SARL - the South African Radio League - reached an agreement to exchange their 5 MHz channel at 5250 kHz, (used for propagation experiments), for the more common beacon channel of 5290 kHz.
On Oct 4th, ZS6KTS and other stations in the South African 5 MHz WSPR Beacon Cluster changed over to 5290 kHz The other South African channel at 5260 kHz remains in use as normal for general contacts.
Paul G4MWO
Thank You Paul for Your update about the beacon frequency plan in ZS. It should be interesting to know who heard the ZS stations during last experimental 60m operation. A few stations been spoted but no real reports from 60m operator.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Friday, August 22, 2014
S01WS - West Sahara on 60m CW !
Hello all,
FYI... Actually (23/8 at 01:50Z) the West Sahara team is qrv on 60m band - nw 5405kHz CW with excellent signal and booming ! They are working lot of US stations with good repports so it looks like good propagations to NA this morning.
They were not QRV Monday 18Aug because of some technical issues so now You have the chance on CW...
Good luck!
73 - Petr, OK1RP
FYI... Actually (23/8 at 01:50Z) the West Sahara team is qrv on 60m band - nw 5405kHz CW with excellent signal and booming ! They are working lot of US stations with good repports so it looks like good propagations to NA this morning.
They were not QRV Monday 18Aug because of some technical issues so now You have the chance on CW...
Good luck!
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Monday, August 18, 2014
S01WS on 60m band CW !
there is quick flash news coming from Joe, W8GEX... thanks to Larry, K5RK.
"S01WS team tells me that they will be QRV from 03:00 to 04:00Z on 5.405 kHz CW - 19 August 2014. They work with antenna dipole bazooka and 100 Watts. Best regards, Arseli, EA2JG"
Many thanks to all friends in the chain... see You on the band!
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
C37AC - Andorra on 60m... even for US on 7.-9.8.2014 !
Salva, C31CT is coming back to mountains in order to operate on 60m band again as C37AC.
On 7th of August 2014 Salva, C31CT will be active from 19 to 22utc. The frequency 5373.0kHz and 5405.0kHz on CW and (-1,5kHz) on USB. Also he will check or monitoring the Channel for EAs = 5382.0kHz!
Very good news for all US friends and other DX stations in the world on 60m:
For Saturday the 9th of Aug 2014 Salva will be active on the same QRGs from 03:30utc to test QSOs with USA and near locations.
I also asked Salva kindly to check 5259.5kHz for Chris, ZS6EZ in the evenning and later in the morning to give him chance to work C3 also...
Good luck to all on 60m!
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Salva, C31CT is coming back to mountains in order to operate on 60m band again as C37AC.
On 7th of August 2014 Salva, C31CT will be active from 19 to 22utc. The frequency 5373.0kHz and 5405.0kHz on CW and (-1,5kHz) on USB. Also he will check or monitoring the Channel for EAs = 5382.0kHz!
Very good news for all US friends and other DX stations in the world on 60m:
For Saturday the 9th of Aug 2014 Salva will be active on the same QRGs from 03:30utc to test QSOs with USA and near locations.
I also asked Salva kindly to check 5259.5kHz for Chris, ZS6EZ in the evenning and later in the morning to give him chance to work C3 also...
Good luck to all on 60m!
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Monday, August 4, 2014
C37AC - Andorra by Salva, C31CT afterword
there I am posting few informations about Salva, C31CT and his QTHs in Andorra. His last activity using C37AC callsign on 60m band gave to lot of us new one on this band.
The home QTH of Salva, C31CT is in Ordino, which is beautiful place at 1450m ASL. Salva has installed SDR receiver http://www.radioandorra.org/ and it is nice opportunity to check what is listenned from this area.
The latest activity on 60m band was done by Salva from house in the mountains at the 2000m ASL level!
Salva is the president of the Andorra radioclub which is using the callsign C37AC and they are lucky be allowed to operate from the small house at the bottom of the hill.
This house is really small but there is enough space for radio operation.
Salva installed and used the simple dipole antenna connected to barefoot Icom IC-756III. Even although he used just simple setup, his signal was really amazing.
I monitored his operation most of the time on different channels from Andorra and lot of friends around the EU reported him excellent and strong signals over S9+.
Many thanks for all Your activity Salva and we will be happy to work You again soon.
Also it will be great to have chance for staying overnite in order to work US stations in their dark time as same as other DX stations worldwide. I heard report from Chris, ZS6EZ who heard Salvo for example but he was restricted to 5259.5kHz channel only.
Best regards,
73 - Petr, OK1RP
there I am posting few informations about Salva, C31CT and his QTHs in Andorra. His last activity using C37AC callsign on 60m band gave to lot of us new one on this band.
The home QTH of Salva, C31CT is in Ordino, which is beautiful place at 1450m ASL. Salva has installed SDR receiver http://www.radioandorra.org/ and it is nice opportunity to check what is listenned from this area.
The latest activity on 60m band was done by Salva from house in the mountains at the 2000m ASL level!
Salva is the president of the Andorra radioclub which is using the callsign C37AC and they are lucky be allowed to operate from the small house at the bottom of the hill.
This house is really small but there is enough space for radio operation.
Salva installed and used the simple dipole antenna connected to barefoot Icom IC-756III. Even although he used just simple setup, his signal was really amazing.
I monitored his operation most of the time on different channels from Andorra and lot of friends around the EU reported him excellent and strong signals over S9+.
Many thanks for all Your activity Salva and we will be happy to work You again soon.
Also it will be great to have chance for staying overnite in order to work US stations in their dark time as same as other DX stations worldwide. I heard report from Chris, ZS6EZ who heard Salvo for example but he was restricted to 5259.5kHz channel only.
Best regards,
73 - Petr, OK1RP
GJ - Jersey Isl. on 60m band by Jan, DJ8NK & Paul, F6EXV
Jan, DJ8NK (GJ0VNK) reported that he together with Paul, F6EXV (MJ0EXV) will be operating from Jersey Island for 5 days in between 8Aug - 12Aug 2014.
We would like to many thanks to Mathieu, MJ0ASP and JARS for their assistance!
Good luck,
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Jan, DJ8NK (GJ0VNK) reported that he together with Paul, F6EXV (MJ0EXV) will be operating from Jersey Island for 5 days in between 8Aug - 12Aug 2014.
We would like to many thanks to Mathieu, MJ0ASP and JARS for their assistance!
Good luck,
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Saturday, July 26, 2014
CO - Cuba on 60m by Pavel, CO7WT
quick flash from Joe, W8GEX:
quick flash from Joe, W8GEX:
Breaking News: A New Country
I received an email from Pavel CO7WT. He's working on his antenna and hopes to be active very soon. He'll TX on 5425 SSB and will listen on 5.403.5 at his sunset about 0000z.
Thanks to Joe for info!
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Friday, July 25, 2014
C37AC on 60m by Salvador, C31CT - update 25.7.14
as promised Salvador, C31CT was on the 60m band yesterday evening...
He started on the air around 18:30UTC using 5380.5kHz (QSX 5373) and worked several stations over there.
After he moved to 5371.5/5373kHz and switched between USB and CW quite often.
Salvador is using 100W output into dipole for 60m band all installed at 2000m ASL altitude level and his signal was really strong in OK land. Also as I monitored his operation for few hours lot of other stations reported about his an excellent sigs.
Thank You Salvador for new one on this band for many of us.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
as promised Salvador, C31CT was on the 60m band yesterday evening...
He started on the air around 18:30UTC using 5380.5kHz (QSX 5373) and worked several stations over there.
After he moved to 5371.5/5373kHz and switched between USB and CW quite often.
Salvador is using 100W output into dipole for 60m band all installed at 2000m ASL altitude level and his signal was really strong in OK land. Also as I monitored his operation for few hours lot of other stations reported about his an excellent sigs.
Thank You Salvador for new one on this band for many of us.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Thursday, July 24, 2014
CT - Portugal new channel on 60m allowed
REP - Rede dos Emissores Portugueses - the Portuguese national amateur radio society has been able to negotiate successfully an additional channel with their national regulator.
REP - Rede dos Emissores Portugueses - the Portuguese national amateur radio society has been able to negotiate successfully an additional channel with their national regulator.
The new channel is 5380.5 kHz and is common with one of the Spanish 5 MHz channels, thus direct communication between the two countries will now be possible.
(Tnx to Paul, G4MWO)
73 - Petr, OK1RP
C37AC on 60m band by Salvador, C31CT
as confirmed from yesterday evenning Salvador, C31CT will make few days trip to Andorra and he will be so nice to give chance to us work him on 60m band...
Salvador will be QRV from Thursday 24th, also Friday 25th and if it is possible then Saturday 26th. He will be active on 60m band aprox. from 19 to 21... 22UTC each day depends to local conditions and personal situation.
Announced frequencies are as follows:
CW: 5380.5 (for Spain) + QSX 5373 kHz (for others)
USB: 5380.5 (for Spain) + QSX 5371.5 kHz (for others)
or QZF or cross mode combinations if needed, but always listening RX in 5371.5 kHz (5373 kHz).
Salvador will use C37AC or his own C31CT call in that event.
So I hope it is nice chance to work legal new one on 60m band. Do not miss Salvador over there and give him also chance to enjoy the operation with pile-up. :)
73 - Petr, OK1RP
as confirmed from yesterday evenning Salvador, C31CT will make few days trip to Andorra and he will be so nice to give chance to us work him on 60m band...
Salvador will be QRV from Thursday 24th, also Friday 25th and if it is possible then Saturday 26th. He will be active on 60m band aprox. from 19 to 21... 22UTC each day depends to local conditions and personal situation.
Announced frequencies are as follows:
CW: 5380.5 (for Spain) + QSX 5373 kHz (for others)
USB: 5380.5 (for Spain) + QSX 5371.5 kHz (for others)
or QZF or cross mode combinations if needed, but always listening RX in 5371.5 kHz (5373 kHz).
Salvador will use C37AC or his own C31CT call in that event.
So I hope it is nice chance to work legal new one on 60m band. Do not miss Salvador over there and give him also chance to enjoy the operation with pile-up. :)
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Friday, July 18, 2014
C3 - Andorra on 60m band
good news is coming from U.R.A. about the 5MHz/60m band allocation. (Tnx to Paul, G4MWO)
Andorra now joins the number of countries permitted an experimental band allocation at 5 MHz (60m).
good news is coming from U.R.A. about the 5MHz/60m band allocation. (Tnx to Paul, G4MWO)
Andorra now joins the number of countries permitted an experimental band allocation at 5 MHz (60m).
The Andorran national amateur radio society, URA - Unio de Radioaficionats Andorrans, announced that they had received official permission to operate between 5275 - 5450 kHz on a secondary basis for short and medium distance propagation studies. Maximum power allowed is 100W PEP with a bandwidth not exceeding 3 kHz utilizing CW and USB. The permission is temporary until WRC-15.
The A.R.D.A.M. Ham radio association with C37AC callsign already tested the band so I hope that we will find more friends from C3 on the band soon.
(Tnx for information to Paul, G4MWO)
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Monday, July 14, 2014
60m band news in EA by Javier, EA7OP
thank You to Javier, EA7OP for his update about the 60m band operation in Spain as follows:
"In response to the request made by the Spanish Amateur Radio Union for the renewal of the special permit in the band of 5 MHz, the Secretary of State for Telecommunications proceeded the authorization under certain conditions as temporary and experimental."
The original Spanish message can be read here:
5 MHz, (60 Metros)
Javiers, EA7OP web with related informations can be visited here.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
thank You to Javier, EA7OP for his update about the 60m band operation in Spain as follows:
"In response to the request made by the Spanish Amateur Radio Union for the renewal of the special permit in the band of 5 MHz, the Secretary of State for Telecommunications proceeded the authorization under certain conditions as temporary and experimental."
The original Spanish message can be read here:
5 MHz, (60 Metros)
La SETSI analizará y muy posiblemente resolverá favorablemente en condiciones a determinar, una autorización especial y experimental para tener acceso a la banda de 5,2 MHz tal y como disfrutan desde hace algunos años más de 12 países europeos. La URE presentará de manera inmediata su solicitud junto con un resumen de los países en los que esta banda está autorizada experimentalmente a aficionados.
En Diciembre de 2014 resuelve:
Autorizar el uso de las frecuencias siguientes durante el primer semestre del año 2014, ampliado hasta el 30 de Noviembre de 2.015:
5268, 5295, 5313, 5382, 5430 y 5439 kHz.
La SETSI analizará y muy posiblemente resolverá favorablemente en condiciones a determinar, una autorización especial y experimental para tener acceso a la banda de 5,2 MHz tal y como disfrutan desde hace algunos años más de 12 países europeos. La URE presentará de manera inmediata su solicitud junto con un resumen de los países en los que esta banda está autorizada experimentalmente a aficionados.
En Diciembre de 2014 resuelve:
Autorizar el uso de las frecuencias siguientes durante el primer semestre del año 2014, ampliado hasta el 30 de Noviembre de 2.015:
5268, 5295, 5313, 5382, 5430 y 5439 kHz.
Javiers, EA7OP web with related informations can be visited here.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Friday, June 6, 2014
New 5 MHz experimental Swiss beacon HB9AW
there I am posting the very complete informations about the new experimental Swiss beacon project which is ongoing right now.
I got this excellent compilation in "cut'n paste" format from Paul, G4MWO with his permission to use it on my blog.
Swiss 5 MHz Experimental Beacon Project
Although the 60m
band has not been released for amateur radio in Switzerland, the Sursee Amateur Radio Club has obtained
the necessary official authorizations for a Swiss 5 MHz Experimental. Beacon
project. Using the callsign HB9AW,
the beacon became operational on 5291
kHz at 0000hrs on the 1st of June.
The transmission
commences with the call sign HB9AW in CW (100HA1B), followed by five 2
seconds-long dashes. The dashes are each accurately attenuated by 10dB in the EIRP
power sequence 10W / 5 W / 1Watt / 100mW concluding with 10mW and currently
repeats every 5 minutes, commencing on the hour.
The beacon
transmits from Sursee (Locator: JN43BA) on a half-wave dipole, configured for
high-angle radiation as an NVIS ‘fountain’ type antenna at a height above
ground of 0.12 of a wavelength. A reflector is placed beneath the antenna. The
aim of the system is to explore the propagation conditions on 5 MHz in the
hills and valleys of Switzerland in relation to its possible suitability as an
Emergency Communications band. They have deliberately chosen this type of steep
radiation-angle antenna to study the propagation conditions within Switzerland
itself and at the moment DX is only of secondary interest to them.
They expect that
the beacon will be heard during the day and night hours across Switzerland
including the Alpine valleys. An on-line form on the Sursee Amateur Radio
Club’s website accepts reception reports. The evaluation of these is done by a
technical college. Reception reports are appreciated and will be entered into a
raffle for an attractive prize !
A detailed
description of the installation will appear in due course.
Online HB9AW 5
MHz Beacon Reporting Form
Sursee Amateur
Radio Club website 5 MHz Beacon Project page
USKA – Swiss
National Amateur Radio Society
(Tnx: Sursee Amateur Radio Club, USKA)
Paul Gaskell,
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
CO - Cuba begins issuing the 60m licences by CO7WT
Cuba begins issuing 60m licences
The Agency of Control and Supervision of Cuba is accepting applications for experimental transmissions in the band of 5 MHz.The resolution 7/2014 of the Ministry of Communications authorized normal use of the band on a secondary basis, but it's intended use will be in the emergency network; ie if a situation of emergency arise anywhere in the country, this band is reserved for emergency communications only, always observing the a secondary basis use.
The maximum allowed power outputs of 50 watts in the first and second categories and 10 watts for the novices, with the possibility of reaching 100 watts tops on any category when required if the station takes part in a network of civil protection.
International contacts are not permitted, so that Cuban operators may transmit between 5,418 and 5,430 KHz, morse, SSB and PSK31, and can make QSOs with each other only.
Despite this limitation, amateurs of Cuba appreciate any SWL reports on his signals from other countries via SWL QSLs or in a simple email.
I had my licence update on May 21st and I'm testing with the band, mainly around 0000z in 5422.0 Khz LSB and encouraging other Cuban hams to get their licence upgrades for this band.
73 de CO7WT
Thank You to Paul, G4MWO for sharing the original post from Southgate here:
Keep fingers crossed to Cuban's hams on 60m.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Saturday, May 10, 2014
PY - Brazil on 60m band by Labre
according to information shared on the official web site the national radio club in Brazil - Labre is started their work with local authorities on the arrangement of the group of amateurs to use the band for an experimental purposes. The situation with 60m band is not clear on SA continent so let´s keep fingers crossed to friends from PY land. It can be good starting point for more South American countries on 60m.
Labre news can be found here: http://www.labre.org.br
73 - Petr, OK1RP
according to information shared on the official web site the national radio club in Brazil - Labre is started their work with local authorities on the arrangement of the group of amateurs to use the band for an experimental purposes. The situation with 60m band is not clear on SA continent so let´s keep fingers crossed to friends from PY land. It can be good starting point for more South American countries on 60m.
Labre news can be found here: http://www.labre.org.br
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Thursday, May 8, 2014
The SARL 5MHz activity weekend 17.-18.5.2014
5 MHZ ACTIVITY WEEKEND - SARL members are invited to take part in a 5MHz activity weekend 17.-18.5.2014 dedicated to propagation research.
The activity is focused from 13:00 - 20:00 on each day and comprises various activities during designated time slots. The activity is open to all SARL members and to all radio amateurs living permanently outside the borders of South Africa. The activity is devised into two segments, a serious segment for the first 30 minutes of the hour which comprises of listening to and logging the beacon signals on 5250 kHz using WSPR, PSK31 and CW and during the second half hour a fun component making as many contacts as possible on 5260 kHz.
Participants who send in logs take part in lucky draws for a free membership of the SARL for 2014/2015 and attractive book prizes. Even a photograph of you operating can win you a boo, as long as the picture sent in is high resolution.
Full details of the activity weekend and the tutorial on how to get started on WSPR are available here or here:
Good luck,
73 - Petr, OK1RP
5 MHZ ACTIVITY WEEKEND - SARL members are invited to take part in a 5MHz activity weekend 17.-18.5.2014 dedicated to propagation research.
The activity is focused from 13:00 - 20:00 on each day and comprises various activities during designated time slots. The activity is open to all SARL members and to all radio amateurs living permanently outside the borders of South Africa. The activity is devised into two segments, a serious segment for the first 30 minutes of the hour which comprises of listening to and logging the beacon signals on 5250 kHz using WSPR, PSK31 and CW and during the second half hour a fun component making as many contacts as possible on 5260 kHz.
Participants who send in logs take part in lucky draws for a free membership of the SARL for 2014/2015 and attractive book prizes. Even a photograph of you operating can win you a boo, as long as the picture sent in is high resolution.
Full details of the activity weekend and the tutorial on how to get started on WSPR are available here or here:
Good luck,
73 - Petr, OK1RP
SM - Sweden QSX on 60m by Thomas, SM3NRY
yesterday I worked Thomas, SM3NRY on 60m band. I listened him on 5390kHz while my TX was on standard ch5/5405kHz. I really enjoyed very nice buz with Thomas.
I realized that Sweden ops are not so happy with their channels allocation as they are not allowed to operate on standard set of channels like UK or US etc.
Sweden 60m band allocation is as follows:
5310 kHz
5320 kHz
5380 kHz
5390 kHz
All modes are allowed.
Power allowed to use is 100W.
Bandwidth per channel is 4kHz.
It means that our friends from Sweden are really restricted on the band and its not easy to work all others. The QSX is the only way as same as for Spanish ops on that band. So I would like to kindly ask all of 60m friends to remember our friends with different band allocation and listenned/operate often with QSX to their windows please.
If You are not remember which frequencies to be used for these friends like EA, SM then check this blog, hi.
Good luck on the band,
73 - Petr, OK1RP
yesterday I worked Thomas, SM3NRY on 60m band. I listened him on 5390kHz while my TX was on standard ch5/5405kHz. I really enjoyed very nice buz with Thomas.
I realized that Sweden ops are not so happy with their channels allocation as they are not allowed to operate on standard set of channels like UK or US etc.
Sweden 60m band allocation is as follows:
5310 kHz
5320 kHz
5380 kHz
5390 kHz
All modes are allowed.
Power allowed to use is 100W.
Bandwidth per channel is 4kHz.
It means that our friends from Sweden are really restricted on the band and its not easy to work all others. The QSX is the only way as same as for Spanish ops on that band. So I would like to kindly ask all of 60m friends to remember our friends with different band allocation and listenned/operate often with QSX to their windows please.
If You are not remember which frequencies to be used for these friends like EA, SM then check this blog, hi.
Good luck on the band,
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Monday, May 5, 2014
The 5 MHz Newsletter Spring 2014 - 10th Edition by Paul, G4MWO
Hi all,
the 5 MHz Newsletter Spring 2014 - 10th Edition by Paul, G4MWO is available for download here:
Enjoy it,
73 - Petr, OK1RP
the 5 MHz Newsletter Spring 2014 - 10th Edition by Paul, G4MWO is available for download here:
Enjoy it,
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Friday, May 2, 2014
Z3 - Macedonia on 60m CW by Oz, Z35T
after 1-May-2014 few stations from Macedonia is active on 60m band as expected.
Oz, Z35T is very good CW operator and he is luckily active these nights on 5405kHz.
If You are looking for Z3 on CW then catch him over there. His sigs are quite good in DX destinations as same as in EU so its nice new one for all of us on 60m band.
Good luck,
73 - Petr, OK1RP
after 1-May-2014 few stations from Macedonia is active on 60m band as expected.
Oz, Z35T is very good CW operator and he is luckily active these nights on 5405kHz.
If You are looking for Z3 on CW then catch him over there. His sigs are quite good in DX destinations as same as in EU so its nice new one for all of us on 60m band.
Good luck,
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Monday, April 14, 2014
CX - Uruguay on 60m by Ton, CX7OV
Hello, good news is coming from Ton, CX7OV. Ton informed me that 60m is new allowed band in Uruguay.
The few people are already testing the 60m band using "VICON" as CX7SI on frequency 5357.5kHz. Used power is currently 30W output on CW and its operating 24hrs daily.
I tried to copy their sigs on the band after 03:00Z (close to SR in CX) and I detected some beeps over there but finally I am not sure if the sigs came from CX1SI. So I will try to investigate more.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
As I confirmed with Luis CX7AF, Jose CX2SA and others the 60 meters band in Uruguay "CX, CV, CW" (as opposed to our preview posts) is NOT AUTHORIZED according to official email received on 9th May of 2014 for URSEC (Uruguayan
URSEC reports that amateur radio regulation remains unalterably for today.
This segment is assigned to other services different from amateur radio.
For this reason all communications made on 60 meters band with uruguayan stations are not valid.
URSEC reports that amateur radio regulation remains unalterably for today.
This segment is assigned to other services different from amateur radio.
For this reason all communications made on 60 meters band with uruguayan stations are not valid.
Many thanks to our friends in CX for their help and co-operation and I am still keep fingers crossed into the future.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Hello, good news is coming from Ton, CX7OV. Ton informed me that 60m is new allowed band in Uruguay.
The few people are already testing the 60m band using "VICON" as CX7SI on frequency 5357.5kHz. Used power is currently 30W output on CW and its operating 24hrs daily.
I tried to copy their sigs on the band after 03:00Z (close to SR in CX) and I detected some beeps over there but finally I am not sure if the sigs came from CX1SI. So I will try to investigate more.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Friday, April 11, 2014
Z3 - Macedonia on 60m by Damjan, Z35BY
details about the preparing 60m band activity project in Macedonia arrived from Damjan, Z35BY. I would like to thanks to Damjan for prcised informations and his permission to post it over here:
1) No power or modes restricted in the PERMISSION, but expect maximum 100 W radiated power with voice, cw & digital modulation
2) Block of frequencies:
5250 KHz - 5254 KHz
5258 KHz - 5263 KHz
5285 KHz - 5290 KHz
5303 KHz - 5308 KHz
5312 KHz - 5317 KHz
5321 KHz - 5326 KHz
5330 KHz - 5335 KHz
5337 KHz - 5362 KHz
5366 KHz - 5371 KHz
5384 KHz - 5389 KHz
5402 KHz - 5407 KHz
5411 KHz - 5416 KHz
5420 KHz - 5425 KHz
5429 KHz - 5434 KHz
3) Permission is valid until 30 April 2015
4) Permission is given to RSM as organization - not to individuals. It is given for experimental work. Several Z3 stations will be involved in the project
5) Some preparations are still in progress so expect activity after 1st May 2014
It is very good news about this 60m band project ongoing in Macedonia. I hope that we will find our friends after 1st May 2014 on the air all modes.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
details about the preparing 60m band activity project in Macedonia arrived from Damjan, Z35BY. I would like to thanks to Damjan for prcised informations and his permission to post it over here:
1) No power or modes restricted in the PERMISSION, but expect maximum 100 W radiated power with voice, cw & digital modulation
2) Block of frequencies:
5250 KHz - 5254 KHz
5258 KHz - 5263 KHz
5285 KHz - 5290 KHz
5303 KHz - 5308 KHz
5312 KHz - 5317 KHz
5321 KHz - 5326 KHz
5330 KHz - 5335 KHz
5337 KHz - 5362 KHz
5366 KHz - 5371 KHz
5384 KHz - 5389 KHz
5402 KHz - 5407 KHz
5411 KHz - 5416 KHz
5420 KHz - 5425 KHz
5429 KHz - 5434 KHz
3) Permission is valid until 30 April 2015
4) Permission is given to RSM as organization - not to individuals. It is given for experimental work. Several Z3 stations will be involved in the project
5) Some preparations are still in progress so expect activity after 1st May 2014
It is very good news about this 60m band project ongoing in Macedonia. I hope that we will find our friends after 1st May 2014 on the air all modes.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Prime user activity alert in UK by RSGB
Important update: 5 MHz Band in UK by RSGB
RSGB General Manager | April 8, 2014
73 - Petr, OK1RP
ZS beacon on 60m by Paul, ZS6EHG
info about the new beacon is coming from WSPR Net as follows:
Micro Beacon on 5,250 Mhz
Submitted by zs6ehg on Sat, 2014/03/15 - 07:05
"I am testing a 60m beacon with audio generated from a micro processor. Any information on the quality of my signal and speed of the CW at the end will be appreciated. 73 de Paul ZS6EHG"
Thank You also for info to Joe, W8GEX.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Thank You also for info to Joe, W8GEX.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
S0 - Western Sahara on 60m band
Naama, SØ1A will be QRV in the second half of this April after overcoming technical and installation of multiple antennas problems.
His apologize for the sporadic activity of March 9 because of an equipment failure.
Naama will operate on 60 meters, 5403.5 kHz in April as Naama has the license to operate on this band.
More info here:
best good luck,
73 - Petr, OK1RP

His apologize for the sporadic activity of March 9 because of an equipment failure.
Naama will operate on 60 meters, 5403.5 kHz in April as Naama has the license to operate on this band.
More info here:
best good luck,
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Thursday, April 3, 2014
The 320 CW Net date/time 60m schedule by Petr, OK1RP
Hi all,
I have with John, G4SRE in UK land been tweaking the freqs/times which hope it is ok for everyone for 320 CW Net activities.
The frequencies and date/time schedule proposal:
Tuesdays: 80m / 3545kHz / 19:30z
Thursdays: 60m / 5333 kHz TX and 5332kHz RX for OK land,
5333 kHz for TX/RX when only UK stations / 19:30z
Sundays: 40m / 7020kHz / 17:00z (alternatively 19:30z)
OK land does not have the same freqs which has the UKs...
Do not know what is the "320 CW Net"...?
The Clansman PRC-320 is a lightweight HF/SSB radio station designed as part of the British Army's Clansman range of radio equipments for combat use throughout the world. It was used by long-range patrols and Special Forces because of it's sky-wave range performance and hand generator system. SAS patrols in Falklands, Gulf etc. used this famous green radio and it is still working well after years.
If You are PRC-320 set owner and You would like to be in regular contact with other 320's users /CW preffered/ this 320 CW Net is determined.
Cu on the air.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
I have with John, G4SRE in UK land been tweaking the freqs/times which hope it is ok for everyone for 320 CW Net activities.
The frequencies and date/time schedule proposal:
Tuesdays: 80m / 3545kHz / 19:30z
Thursdays: 60m / 5333 kHz TX and 5332kHz RX for OK land,
5333 kHz for TX/RX when only UK stations / 19:30z
Sundays: 40m / 7020kHz / 17:00z (alternatively 19:30z)
OK land does not have the same freqs which has the UKs...
Do not know what is the "320 CW Net"...?
The Clansman PRC-320 is a lightweight HF/SSB radio station designed as part of the British Army's Clansman range of radio equipments for combat use throughout the world. It was used by long-range patrols and Special Forces because of it's sky-wave range performance and hand generator system. SAS patrols in Falklands, Gulf etc. used this famous green radio and it is still working well after years.
If You are PRC-320 set owner and You would like to be in regular contact with other 320's users /CW preffered/ this 320 CW Net is determined.
Cu on the air.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
GB3WES 60m beacon - off air
short info came from John, G3WGV about the off air status of GB3WES beacon on 60m band:
"The NoV for GB3WES is cancelled by Ofcom as of midnight on 31-Mar-2014 and as yet the requested renewal has not been forthcoming. I have therefore had no option but to turn the beacon off. Hopefully this is only a temporary close down." 73, John, G3WGV
I hope it will be solved quickly as it was very helpful tool for propagation check.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
short info came from John, G3WGV about the off air status of GB3WES beacon on 60m band:
"The NoV for GB3WES is cancelled by Ofcom as of midnight on 31-Mar-2014 and as yet the requested renewal has not been forthcoming. I have therefore had no option but to turn the beacon off. Hopefully this is only a temporary close down." 73, John, G3WGV
I hope it will be solved quickly as it was very helpful tool for propagation check.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
US Ham Ops and Government Test HF Radio Communications by Joe, W8GEX
For immediate release: 27 March 2014
US Ham Operators and Government Test HF Radio Communications
Disaster Communications Compatibility Exercise Uses Automatic Link Establishment
Washington, DC, and San Francisco, CA – 27 March 2014 - US Amateur Radio operators (ham operators) and Federal Government radio stations are engaged in a nationwide test of their capability to communicate with each other by shortwave radio, in case of an emergency or disaster. They are participating in a 12-day joint readiness exercise running from 27 March through 7 April, covering all areas of USA, using a digital High Frequency (HF) radio system known as Automatic Link Establishment (ALE). This High Frequency Interoperability Exercise 2014 (HFIE-2014) runs concurrent with the federal National Exercise Program (NEP) 2014.
ALE is a standardized digital signaling protocol used by each radio service, ham and government, to establish HF communications between their own stations. For the first time, the government regulatory agencies (FCC and NTIA) have authorized these stations to communicate with each other using ALE. HF radio enables long distance communication independent of terrestrial communications infrastructure, internet, or satellites.
To facilitate the communication testing, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) secured temporary authority from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Federal Government radio stations and hams are allowed to communicate with each other using ALE during the exercise. Under existing rules, hams have secondary access to 5 HF radio channels on which Government stations are the primary users.
HF radios used by Federal Government stations have the ALE capability built into the hardware. Amateur Radio operators have implemented the same ALE protocols using their personal computers with ham radio equipment and software. The Special Temporary Authority allows for on-the-air testing of interoperability between the hardware and software-generated ALE implementations.
Participation in the interoperability exercise is open to all ALE-capable Federal Government radio stations and to all ALE-capable US Amateur Radio stations. While five channels are available if needed, the test plan calls for using only two of the channels in order to minimize impact on other stations not participating in the exercise.
Specifics of the STA are as follows:
Specifics of the STA are as follows:
(1) Temporary modification of the authority granted at NTIA Manual section 7.3.8(4), which authorizes Federal Government stations to communicate with stations in the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service, to allow communications with any Amateur Radio station utilizing Automatic Link Establishment, limited to the five channels in the 5 MHz band which are available to the Amateur Radio Service on a secondary basis, for the period March 27th through April 7th 2014.
(2) Concurrent waiver by the FCC of that part of FCC rule 97.111(a)(4) which limits communications with US Government stations to transmissions necessary to providing communications in RACES, limited to the five channels in the 5 MHz band which are available to the Amateur Radio Service on a secondary basis, for the period March 27th through April 7th 2014.
The HFIE-2014 is a semi-annual ham radio readiness exercise coordinated by the HFLINK organization http://hflink.com and the Global ALE High Frequency Network http://hflink.net
It is open to all ALE-capable ham radio stations. Technical and operational guidelines for ham and federal government stations are available at: http://hflink.net/hfie2014
National Exercise Program (NEP) 2014 is a complex emergency preparedness exercise with activities sponsored by government departments and agencies, designed to educate and prepare the whole community for complex, large-scale disasters and emergencies. As part of the National Preparedness Goal (NPG), it enables a collaborative, whole community approach to national preparedness that engages individuals, families, communities, the private and nonprofit sectors, faith-based organizations and all levels of government.
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