Welcome to Tropical band

To most people the phrase "tropical bands" bring a pretty clear picture to mind - a bunch of shirtless guys playing calypso music. But to experienced shortwave DXers those two little words express the most challenging and enjoyable part of the radio hobby. The phrase kindles memories of a DXer's best catches and favorite QSLs, of exotic stations, music and of early morning listening sessions. (Don Moore)
I like the "Tropical band" name for new 60m allocation. (OK1RP)

Effective from 1st Jan 2017 please paper QSL via OM-bureau only.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Activity news on 60m band by April 26, 2022


Abde, 7X2TT will be QRV from Algeria until early May on CW and can also be QRV on SSB; happy for any skeds.


Will be on air from May 22 till June 7 in The Gambia as C5C (Bijol Island - Af060). Mostly QRV from 60m to 6m on CW, SSB.

Operators Abdel M0NPT, Gérard F5NVF & Luc F5RAV.

Thanks to Joe, W8GEX info (April 26, 2022 Newsletter)

73 - Petr, OK1RP