Friday, January 6, 2017

EI - Ireland on 60m band

Irish Amateurs now have WRC-15 60m Allocation

Seán,  EI7CD IRTS/ ComReg Liaison Officer announced on Thursday 22nd December 2016 that Irish regulator ComReg has released the new WRC-15 60m allocation:
“ComReg has just today published an amended version of the Amateur Station Guidelines in Document ComReg 09/45R2. The main revision is that the WRC-15 band of 5351.5 to 5366.5 kHz has been released with immediate effect on a secondary basis. No application or fee is necessary for this segment. The power is 15 watts PEP (12dBW) measured at the output of the transmitter or amplifier. All modes including digi modes may be used.

The WRC-15 decision was for 15 watts EIRP and this will be taken up with ComReg. The Society recommends that USB be used for voice as has been the convention on this band and as used by the primary user and that the provisional IARU band plan be used:

5351.5 - 5354.0 kHz CW, Narrow band Modes
5354.0 - 5366.0 kHz All modes USB for voice
5366.0 - 5366.5 kHz weak signal narrow band modes.

This allocation does not affect the availability of the existing channels centered on 5280, 5300, 5332, 5348, 5400 and 5405 kHz.

Special authorization is still required for these channels at an annual license fee of €30. Let’s hope for some more activity on 5 MHz to help our case for an increased allocation.

Seán EI7CD IRTS/ ComReg Liaison”

EI7GL Blog :
URL for ComReg Document  09/45R2 :
(scroll down and download)
(Tnx: EI7CS, EI7GL, ComReg, GB2RS)

(Special thanks to Paul, G4MWO for sharing this information)

Land & Geography

  • Ireland is a snake-free island. Due to its isolation from the European mainland, Ireland lacks several species common elsewhere in Europe, such as moles, weasels, polecats or roe deer.

  • At a height of 688 metres above the Atlantic Ocean, Croaghaun (on Achill Island) are the second highest cliffs in Europe - after Cape Enniberg in the Faroe Islands.

  • Phoenix Park in Dublin is the third largest walled city parks in Europe after La Mandria in Venaria Reale (Turin) and Richmond Park in London. It covers 707 hectares (1,750 acres).

  • The Irish National Stud's Japanese Gardens, laid between 1906 and 1910 by Japanese master horticulturist Tassa Eida, are considered the finest of their kind in Europe. They are located in Kildare.

  • The Tara Mine near Navan, County Meath, is the largest zinc mine in Europe, and the fifth largest in the world.

  • 73 - Petr, OK1RP

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