Monday, September 25, 2023

60m newsletter 9-24-23 by Joe, W8GEX

NEW COUNTRY:  Juan Fernandez Islands, CE0Z

The CB0ZA team goes there February 13 to 20, 2024. There will be 10 ops on Robinson Crusoe Island which has the IOTA designator of SA-005. As part of the trip, they will do a Parks on the Air activation, Juan Fernandez National Park, with IOTA designator CA-0022. They plan four stations, 160-6 including 60M, SSB, CW, RTTY, FT8 and 6M EME. Individual and club supporters will get a mention on the website.
Swains Island W8S: Oct. 4 - 17
TJ – Cameroon - New Country
TJ9MD November 2-15.  The QTH, Kribi, is on the Atlantic coast. 
Timor-Leste - New country:

4W8X in November 2023. A team of 20+ skillful and experienced operators from Germany, Poland, Austria, Hungary and England will be active from Timor Leste in November 2023, and plan to be on 60m.

NEW COUNTRY TX7L Marquesas Island:
TX7L by a Germany team will be on 60m

New Country PY0T - Trindade and Martin Vaz Islands
PT2IC, PY1ZV and PY6RT plan an operation for 3-4 days in November,
Call sign PR0T at the PY0T station. Not 100% sure they will have time for 60m

Nauru: C21TS
Howdy, well some good news, I checked with the regulator, all good for 60m, just keep it under 100 watts. I never go past 25 watts anyways.
Have to sort an antenna. The one I am using might tune on 60m. I do have a 60 EFHW with me but not sure I can get it up.
Phill Hardstaff C21TS

E6 – Niue
DF8AN will be holiday style, callsign E6AJ, November 3-10.  QSL direct or bureau to DF8AN, no LoTW or Club Log.
Namibia V51WH:

I will be back in Namibia from November 16, to April 2024. I will operate from the farm near Omaruru and will pay attention to 60 meters.
Vy 73, Gunter, V51WH + V55Y

FH – Mayotte TO8FH
The October 10 to 22 TO8FH DX-pedition has announced their transmit frequencies: CW 5.351.5
Tuvalu T2C: Oct.10 to 30 CW on 5.354, FT8 5.357
FO - French Polynesia:
TX6D will be October 2-15. With 5MHz permission granted now in France and its territories, they will also get on 60M.
Uganda 5X3K:
This will be put on by the Czech Republic team that won the DX-pedition of the Year award for the TN8K trip to the Republic of the Congo. Look for them Sept.28 to Oct. 8.

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