Hi all,
"At the time of writing, the WRC 2015 allocation of the 60 m band is going into force. Administrations can grant permission to operate in the 5 MHz band. It is expected that many amateurs want to explore the new allocation..."
An older article by PA2S can be found here: http://60metersonline.com/assets/pa2s_60m_tips--1.pdf
73 - Petr, OK1RP
No latest vogue styled shop window just pile of information & news for 60m band DX-ing enthusiasts...
Welcome to Tropical band
To most people the phrase "tropical bands" bring a pretty clear picture to mind - a bunch of shirtless guys playing calypso music. But to experienced shortwave DXers those two little words express the most challenging and enjoyable part of the radio hobby. The phrase kindles memories of a DXer's best catches and favorite QSLs, of exotic stations, music and of early morning listening sessions. (Don Moore)
I like the "Tropical band" name for new 60m allocation. (OK1RP)
Effective from 1st Jan 2017 please paper QSL via OM-bureau only.
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
LY - Lithuania on 60m band by Tadas, LY2BAW
Hi all,
the 2018 update to the Lithuania National Frequency Plan is listing a new band at 5 MHz/60m, namely the WRC-15 Amateur Secondary Allocation of 5351.5 – 5366.5 kHz with 15W EIRP.
As Tadas, LY2BAW already confirmed to Paul, G4MWO Lithuania already started activity according Lithuania National Frequency Plan.
(Many thanks to Paul, G4MWO and tadas, LY2BAW)
Destination Lithuania, an Eastern European country with a coastline at the Baltic Sea in west. It is the largest and most populous of the three Baltic states. The country is bordered by Belarus, Latvia, Poland, and Russia (Kaliningrad) and it shares a maritime border with Sweden.
Lithuania covers an area of 65.300 km², making it slightly smaller than half the size of Greece, or slightly larger than West Virginia. Its smooth, flat landscape offers sandy beaches, numerous lakes, wetlands, and mixed forest areas.
The country has a population of 2,8 million people (in 2015), capital and largest city is Vilnius. Spoken language is Lithuanian, a Baltic language, closely related to Latvian. Main religion is Roman Catholic (more than three-quarter).
73 - Petr, OK1RP
the 2018 update to the Lithuania National Frequency Plan is listing a new band at 5 MHz/60m, namely the WRC-15 Amateur Secondary Allocation of 5351.5 – 5366.5 kHz with 15W EIRP.
As Tadas, LY2BAW already confirmed to Paul, G4MWO Lithuania already started activity according Lithuania National Frequency Plan.
(Many thanks to Paul, G4MWO and tadas, LY2BAW)
Destination Lithuania, an Eastern European country with a coastline at the Baltic Sea in west. It is the largest and most populous of the three Baltic states. The country is bordered by Belarus, Latvia, Poland, and Russia (Kaliningrad) and it shares a maritime border with Sweden.
Lithuania covers an area of 65.300 km², making it slightly smaller than half the size of Greece, or slightly larger than West Virginia. Its smooth, flat landscape offers sandy beaches, numerous lakes, wetlands, and mixed forest areas.
The country has a population of 2,8 million people (in 2015), capital and largest city is Vilnius. Spoken language is Lithuanian, a Baltic language, closely related to Latvian. Main religion is Roman Catholic (more than three-quarter).
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Sunday, November 11, 2018
8P9AE - Barbados on 60m by Sigi, DL7DF and crew!

next DXpedition of Sigi, DL7DF and his crew will take place from Barbados between November 06 and November 20, 2018. They will be active with three stations from 160m through 10m on CW, SSB and Digi modes.
Sigi, DL7DF and crew got yesterday (10Nov18) permision for 60m from Barbados as 8P9AE. They are on the air from tonite (11Nov18). First QRG was 5353 and QSX up. They had really amazing sigs on 60m band and it was relatively easy to work them even with low power in the WRC-15 band allocation. http://www.dl7df.com/8p9/
The equipment consists of a transceiver Elecraft K2, two transceivers Icom IC7300, two OX1000 power amplifiers, one power amplifier, a vertical for 160 and 80m, a 40m loop, a 30m loop, a Spiderbeam for 20m through 10m, VDA antennas as well as a few laptop computers.
Barbados (8P9) has the IOTA reference number NA-021Team
Experienced crew includes:- DK1BT, Manfred & YL Gerlinde
- DL4WK, Wolf
- DL6SAK, Annette
- DL7DF, Sigi
- DL7KL, Reiner
- DL7UFR, Frank
- SP3CYY, Jan
QSL Information
The QSL route is via DL7DF either direct to:Sigi Presch, DL7DFor via the German QSL bureau DARC to DL7DF.
Wilhelmsmuehlenweg 123
12621 Berlin
If you prefer a direct QSL please send a SASE or SAE with 1 new IRC or 2 US$ for a international letter. When sending IRC's please check the expiration date, the new ones are valid until the end of 2021. Any donations are very welcome and needed for the high shipping costs.
If you do not provide the right return postage or a self addressed envelope, we reply via the buro. Please only one call sign per envelope! If more than one, all additional cards go via the buro.
Postage needed for 1 envelope with 20 Gramm (FYI): A letter within DL = 70 Euro Cent, a international letter costs 90 Euro Cent. 1 US$ is equal to 83 Euro Cent. So please keep in mind that 1 US$ - due to the bad exchange rate between the US$ and the Euro - does not cover the postage needed for an international air mail letter!
We will upload the full logs of the DXpedition to LoTW within 6 months after the DXpedition.
The island was uninhabited when first settled by the British in 1627.
African slaves worked the sugar plantations established on the island until 1834 when slavery was abolished. The economy remained heavily dependent on sugar, rum, and molasses production through most of the 20th century.
The gradual introduction of social and political reforms in the 1940s and 1950s led to complete independence from the UK in 1966. In the 1990s, tourism and manufacturing surpassed the sugar industry in economic importance.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
60m DX Newsletter by Joe, W8GEX - November 11,2018
Bouvet Island 3Y0I: If any of you know a team member of the upcoming 3Y0I Dxpedition please ask them about operating on 60 meters. The failed trip a few months ago had planned to operate our band. This would be the last chance in most of our lifetimes to work this new 60m country. If you do make contact, please keep me informed so I can follow up. Joe W8GEX
NEW COUNTRY - INDIA: reported by Aravind VU2ABS, Dragan 9A6W and Paul G4WMO. They say they now have the 60m band.
EA8, CANARY ISLANDS: Jay OH6CS, will be active as EA8/OH6CS from the Canary Islands between November 21-30. They plan to operate 60m. QSL via his home callsign, direct or LoTW. Visit his Web page at: http://oh6cs.fi/ea8.htm
5U – Niger: HB9AMO, Pierre, has announced his plans to operate from downtown Niamey in the CQ World Wide DX CW Contest, November 24-25, as 5U9AMO, and plans to operate 60 meters. He will be there from November 20 to December 3. Logs will be uploaded to Club Log every other day. QSL via M0URX and LoTW (after February 2019). www.hb9amo.net/5u9amo.php
RWANDA: Harald, DF2WO, will once again be active as 9X2AW from Kigali
Dates are Jan 1, 2019 to Nov. 14 QSL via M0OXO's OQRS.
73 Harald DF2WO
Laos XW4XR:
Perhaps of interest, I was able to work XW4XR Bruce on 60m FT8 (on 5357 around 1822 UTC). He also worked 5B3ALX. I’m not sure if he is a "known" operator on 60 as I’m relatively new myself.
Kind regards, Henry PG0DX
Report on Aruba:
I finished my new End-Fed (EFHW) for 60 + 30M! So 60M operation is planned during my 2 week holiday-style DXpedition to the island of Aruba, modes to be used will be SSB & FT8 on 80 ~ 10M including WARC + 60M using 2 EFHW's + 100W, both new antennas need to be tested/adjusted at our rental house/garden (taking my Mini60 analyzer with me ;-)) but spare transformers & radiators (40/20/10 + 30/17/12M) will be taken with us as luggage weight/room will allow!
Operations are planned from Saturday 17th November +/- 20:00 UTC until Thursday 29th November +/- 16:00 UTC (I will spot myself when QRV) first weekend probably mostly 80/60/40/20/15/10M, 2nd weekend (during CQWW-CW) mostly 60M + WARC!
I recently found this information on Facebook. I think we can conclude that 60M operations are officially allowed on the (Dutch) Caribbean Island of Curacao (PJ2)!
If you are interested in the 'English' document, this is the link:
73 de Frank PH2M
Upcoming DXpeditions
RWANDA: 9X2AW Jan 1, 2019 to Nov 14, by Harald, DF2WO. QSL via M0OXO's OQRS.
(Many thanks to Joe, W8GEX for summary!)
73 - Petr, OK1RP
NEW COUNTRY - INDIA: reported by Aravind VU2ABS, Dragan 9A6W and Paul G4WMO. They say they now have the 60m band.
EA8, CANARY ISLANDS: Jay OH6CS, will be active as EA8/OH6CS from the Canary Islands between November 21-30. They plan to operate 60m. QSL via his home callsign, direct or LoTW. Visit his Web page at: http://oh6cs.fi/ea8.htm
5U – Niger: HB9AMO, Pierre, has announced his plans to operate from downtown Niamey in the CQ World Wide DX CW Contest, November 24-25, as 5U9AMO, and plans to operate 60 meters. He will be there from November 20 to December 3. Logs will be uploaded to Club Log every other day. QSL via M0URX and LoTW (after February 2019). www.hb9amo.net/5u9amo.php
RWANDA: Harald, DF2WO, will once again be active as 9X2AW from Kigali
Dates are Jan 1, 2019 to Nov. 14 QSL via M0OXO's OQRS.
73 Harald DF2WO
Laos XW4XR:
Perhaps of interest, I was able to work XW4XR Bruce on 60m FT8 (on 5357 around 1822 UTC). He also worked 5B3ALX. I’m not sure if he is a "known" operator on 60 as I’m relatively new myself.
Kind regards, Henry PG0DX
Report on Aruba:
I finished my new End-Fed (EFHW) for 60 + 30M! So 60M operation is planned during my 2 week holiday-style DXpedition to the island of Aruba, modes to be used will be SSB & FT8 on 80 ~ 10M including WARC + 60M using 2 EFHW's + 100W, both new antennas need to be tested/adjusted at our rental house/garden (taking my Mini60 analyzer with me ;-)) but spare transformers & radiators (40/20/10 + 30/17/12M) will be taken with us as luggage weight/room will allow!
Operations are planned from Saturday 17th November +/- 20:00 UTC until Thursday 29th November +/- 16:00 UTC (I will spot myself when QRV) first weekend probably mostly 80/60/40/20/15/10M, 2nd weekend (during CQWW-CW) mostly 60M + WARC!
I recently found this information on Facebook. I think we can conclude that 60M operations are officially allowed on the (Dutch) Caribbean Island of Curacao (PJ2)!
If you are interested in the 'English' document, this is the link:
73 de Frank PH2M
Upcoming DXpeditions
RWANDA: 9X2AW Jan 1, 2019 to Nov 14, by Harald, DF2WO. QSL via M0OXO's OQRS.
(Many thanks to Joe, W8GEX for summary!)
73 - Petr, OK1RP
4O - Montenegro on 60m band by MARP
The latest update to the Montenegro National Frequency Plan (p. 37) from the country’s telecomms regulator, EKIP, lists a new band at 5 MHz/60m, namely the WRC-15 Amateur Secondary Allocation of 5351.5 – 5366.5 kHz with 15W EIRP, which has been confirmed by national society, the Montenegro Amateur Radio Pool (MARP).
(Tnx: Paul Gaskell G4MWO, EKIP, 409TTT, MARP, W8GEX)
If you want to find out where is Montenegro or if you are planning to visit Montenegro, make sure to read all Montenegro related posts on Visit Montenegro website.
Plan your holiday in Montenegro with us and learn more about Kotor, Budva, Tivat and other beautiful places. Find top-rated tours and best places to stay.
The pearl of the Mediterranean, unique in many ways, Montenegro is situated in the south of the Adriatic sea. Nowhere else you can find so much natural beauty, mild beaches, clear lakes, fast rivers and gorgeous mountains in such a compact area as in Montenegro.
Take long morning walks along the beautiful Adriatic coast, have lunch on the banks of Skadar Lake or enjoy an evening hike in the mountains. Montenegro will not leave you indifferent.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
The latest update to the Montenegro National Frequency Plan (p. 37) from the country’s telecomms regulator, EKIP, lists a new band at 5 MHz/60m, namely the WRC-15 Amateur Secondary Allocation of 5351.5 – 5366.5 kHz with 15W EIRP, which has been confirmed by national society, the Montenegro Amateur Radio Pool (MARP).
(Tnx: Paul Gaskell G4MWO, EKIP, 409TTT, MARP, W8GEX)
If you want to find out where is Montenegro or if you are planning to visit Montenegro, make sure to read all Montenegro related posts on Visit Montenegro website.
Plan your holiday in Montenegro with us and learn more about Kotor, Budva, Tivat and other beautiful places. Find top-rated tours and best places to stay.
The pearl of the Mediterranean, unique in many ways, Montenegro is situated in the south of the Adriatic sea. Nowhere else you can find so much natural beauty, mild beaches, clear lakes, fast rivers and gorgeous mountains in such a compact area as in Montenegro.
Take long morning walks along the beautiful Adriatic coast, have lunch on the banks of Skadar Lake or enjoy an evening hike in the mountains. Montenegro will not leave you indifferent.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Sunday, November 4, 2018
VU - India on 60m band
India gets 3 new bands - 60, 630 and 2300m !
The Indian Government’s Telecommunications regulator has published a 2018 Update to the Indian National Frequency Plan, effective 25th October 2018, which lists new bands at 5 MHz/60m, 472 kHz/630m and 135 kHz/2300m.
5 351.5-5 366.5 kHz - Amateur 5.133B (Secondary, 15W EIRP)
472-479 kHz - Amateur 5.80A (Secondary, 1W EIRP )
135.7-137.8 kHz - Amateur 5.67A (Secondary, 1W EIRP)
The regulations are as follows current ITU criteria for these bands.
(Many thanks to Paul Gaskell, G4MWO for info)
India gets 3 new bands - 60, 630 and 2300m !
The Indian Government’s Telecommunications regulator has published a 2018 Update to the Indian National Frequency Plan, effective 25th October 2018, which lists new bands at 5 MHz/60m, 472 kHz/630m and 135 kHz/2300m.
5 351.5-5 366.5 kHz - Amateur 5.133B (Secondary, 15W EIRP)
472-479 kHz - Amateur 5.80A (Secondary, 1W EIRP )
135.7-137.8 kHz - Amateur 5.67A (Secondary, 1W EIRP)
The regulations are as follows current ITU criteria for these bands.
(Many thanks to Paul Gaskell, G4MWO for info)
73 - Petr, OK1RP
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