Thursday, February 12, 2015

Navassa on 60m maybe during next three days!

Hello all,

maybe the best news coming from Joe, W8GEX...

"I have great news about another all time new one. I have been working on this for some time now. The team leaders of K1N Navassa have given the team permission to operate the 60m band. Gary K4AVC made, tested, and shipped the team an inverted vee to them a few months ago.

They might come on 5.403.5 USB tonight, Friday and Saturday nights. Their sunset is at about 2300. The antenna is up at 70 ft on the light house.
They said they will be on 60m but it all depends on the availability of an extra radio and their not sure on the exact time. 

If they feel a reason to split they will announce it. PLEASE listen for any operator instructions. They are well aware the USA only has five channels.

It will be some time before another group goes back to Navassa, so this may be the only opportunity in our lifetime to work this new one.

So be kind and courteous and stand by as they work a station. If you don’t hear them well please wait until their signal builds. USA, if they call for Europe, please stand by. The same goes for Europe when they are calling for North America.

Please consider donating to this DXpedition as this is a very expensive trip."

Many thanks for DX flash news to Joe, W8GEX!

73 - Petr, OK1RP

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