Friday, July 24, 2015

HA - DXCC #50 on 60m CW only!

Hello all,
my K3 just arrived back from Elecraft service where it was repaired and also completely upgraded. As I purchased my K3 early in 2008 and radio never been upgraded or modified from that time so it was really neccessary. Now it is up to date with current production release, some strange issues are repaired and even more... Second receiver is installed, KBPF3A and new synthesizers are installed and all is fully adjusted, tweaked and tested. So I was able to come back to 60m band after few months.
When I turned ON my K3 on 60m band I found that the high summer time noise is very limiting for the operation right now. Well I will have to put my receiving loop back on board after long refurbishing period. Without receiving antenna and some other noise reduction tools it will be hard job over there. Luckily K3 has really effective weapons like NB or even DSP noise reduction. So now it is time to play with it.
My DXCC score was for long time unchanged because I catched most of active countries on this band. My goal to reach 50 DXCC sounded like mission impossible as working new country took several months of investigation, watching the DX-peditions and their 60m band ability etc.

The dream turned to the reality when I found Steve, HA5CLF (ex OL8CCW, OK3CLF) on ch5 giving his CQ. I know that Hungarian stations got the permission to the 60m band and the activity in the beginning was high. Unfortunately lot of them abandoned this band for very low activity and high noise level in the summer time...

I worked Steve, HA5CLF as my DXCC #50 and I reached my first goal on this band after years of daily work. An interesting think is that I am working exclusively CW so all of my QSOs and DXCC countries reached over there are CW ONLY! For that reason I never worked several unique and rare countries because they never switched to CW...

Well another goal has been arranged. New target is defined and I hope that it will be as funny as the preview period on this band.

Thank You to all friends on the 60m band for their friendship, effort, enthusiasm and mainly an excellent camaraderie!
I really like it...

73 - Petr, OK1RP

1 comment:

  1. Hi Petr,
    I stumbled on your blog by an accident. I am glad that I was the 50th QSO for your DXCC. I wish you a Happy New Year an lots of DX to your full DXCC on 60m. Recently, I tend to spend some time on 5357 JT65 and also 5355 FSQ. It is very difficult to find partners for an FSQ contact. However, CW is still my primary mode of operation.
    73, ahoj
    Steve, ha5clf
