To work as many stations as possible, have some fun and enjoy a bit of a break on a beautiful Pacific Island!
60 metres: The team has now confirmed plans for 60 metre operation. Each day at local sunset (approx 0700 UTC) we will call CQ and listen on 60 metres. If there is limited/no propagation we will limit our operation to 15 mins from the top of each hour from 0700UTC until 1300UTC. This time slot should provide coverage from EU through to NA, but liaison with San K5YY via email should assist in providing feedback and fine tuning our operation. Closer to the date we’ll liaise with San and update these plans. Please email vk3qb@hotmail.com with any feedback or leave a message on our Guestbook – we are still uncertain on internet connectivity from the operating location.
If you are able to help support the costs for additional freight charges, even with a small donation, the team would be most appreciative. Please visit our Support page. http://yj0vk.odxg.org/yj0vk2011/support/default.html
If you are able to help support the costs for additional freight charges, even with a small donation, the team would be most appreciative. Please visit our Support page. http://yj0vk.odxg.org/yj0vk2011/support/default.html
As I am in contact with Chris, VK3QB and latest setup: the best would be about 17-18z confirmed from couple of EU stations and according to VOACAP also. Also you might listen at 08z when their SS begins. Chris and the team are very good ops and willing to work as many of us on 60m as possible so they are going to listen for EU at 08z and again at between 17-18z.
Good luck to all of us and PLEASE be very disciplined in case of readable sigs on Tropical band.
73 - Petr, OK1RP
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